
Thursday, 11 December 2014

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2014

Class 20 had an amazing experience dressing up in costumes and becoming actors for our Class Film Festival entry "Once Upon a Time"!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Stop, Think, Make the right choice

Before morning tea and lunch today we talked about our assembly kōrero from last week and what sort of things were the 'right choice'.  Class 20 even made some actions to help remind us about this important message.

The kōrero for the week was:

Stop   -     Think    -    Make the Right Choice!

We used Explain Everything to create an image to remind us of this special message.  This is Nature's creation:

Spring Flowers

I can see some daffodil flowers and the flower is colourful and the daffodil is pretty and the daffodil is colourful like a rainbow. 
(September 2014)

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My first blog post

I like my iPad because we can go on Scratch and make our pictures move.